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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Fitial calls for Benedetto's head

Local Thursday, November 15, 2007 By Agnes E. DonatoReporter

Gov. Benigno R. Fitial says Federal Ombudsman James Benedetto is unfit for his job and must be removed from office.The governor cited three reasons he is calling on the federal government not to reappoint Benedetto to his labor ombudsman position: lack of qualifications, unsatisfactory level of performance, and unacceptable political partisanship.“I understand that Mr. James Benedetto is being considered for reappoinment to his present position as federal ombudsman in the [CNMI]. I do not believe he should be reappointed,” Fitial said in a five-page letter to U.S. Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne.This is not the first time the Fitial administration has been at odds with Benedetto. Previously, the governor complained about Benedetto's criticisms of the local labor and immigration system. Earlier this month, Benedetto figured in a public debate with Rep. Cinta Kaipat over the administration-backed labor reform bill, which is now law.Benedetto said he was leaving the issue up to his superiors.He said, “I have spoken out in support of a worker's right to file a labor complaint, and to remain in the Commonwealth until he or she has had a meaningful opportunity for a hearing, as guaranteed by the CNMI Constitution. My duties as Federal Ombudsman also include providing the public and the workers appropriate information about the law.“The governor has the right to complain to my superiors; if I have not performed well, or if I have overstepped my bounds, they will take appropriate action.”According to Fitial, Benedetto lacks qualification to serve as federal ombudsman because he has been unable to pass the CNMI Bar Examination. Fitial said Benedetto's lack of Bar membership makes it difficult to supervise his staff or advise workers, and enables Bar members to take advantage of him to the disadvantage of the workers he is responsible for assisting.The governor accused Benedetto of spending more time campaigning in the CNMI than assisting workers. He added that Benedetto had fostered an adversarial relationship with local employers, failed to educate foreign workers on their rights and obligations, failed to work productively with the CNMI Department of Labor, and for claiming undue credit.Furthermore, Fitial said Benedetto engaged in local politics and was “personally opposed to me and my administration.” He expressed offense at Benedetto's purported attack on Rep. Cinta Kaipat, who sponsored the labor reform bill that Benedetto opposed. The governor suggested that Benedetto published an article against Kaipat's bill in a bid to ruin the lawmaker's chances at reelection on Nov. 3.“I confess to some personal bias here-Representative Kaipat is my niece. She deserved better. Mr. Benedetto deserves not to be reappointed,” Fitial said.

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